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25 Cool CSS & HTML5 Christmas Animation Effects

25 Cool CSS & HTML5 Christmas Animation Effects

BY HENRI — 07.08.2019

Christmas is almost here closely followed by the New Year and you — along with everyone else on the planet — must be knee deep in preparations. Christmas trees and decorations, Santa Claus and reindeer, snowflakes and carols are all around us — ’tis the season! Many people love decorating for Christmas. They enjoy decorating their homes and their offices. But your workspace doesn’t have to be limited to physical spaces. Reflect that special Christmas mood by adding a Christmas animation to your website. There’s still a lot of time to make an awesome Christmas themed digital thingy before ol’ red does his rounds. To help get your festive season juices all juicy, here are 25 Christmas animation effects created with HTML5, CSS, Javascript and SVG.
Christmas Card Magic Lights

Merry SVG Christmas and Happy New Year

DOM Tree

Christmas Tree


Countdown to Christmas!

Interactive Christmas SVG Illustration

Happy New Year! — CSS Only

Pixel Art Christmas Tree


CSS3 Snow Animation


Flashing Christmas Tree with Sass

Parallax Happy Holiday

Three.js Canvas Holiday Greeting

Snow Landscape

Fargo 404

CSS3 Snow

Digital Christmas Tree

Click the scene to reset the snow

Particles snow

A Coder’s Advent Calendar

Move your mouse or tilt your phone to blow the snow.

Santa’s Reindeer

Holiday Experiment

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